Health, Safety and Environmental Training and competency management

I want a software and I buit many of it that can anwer these following demands- For instance;
  1. I need something that by a few click, I can identify HSE training need for my 1500 workers and contractors on my site.
  2. I need something that by a few click, I can come up with a plan of the prioritized training programs. I know how many employee who need to be trained so that I can make training agenda through out the year. This will make me very easy to plan a budget each year in order to complete the target.
  3. I need something that help me track the actual training each individual receive and the training need for him/her because I want to make sure that he/she has a certain level of competencies required for doing a job safely, health and environmental freindly. Of course, I need to do only a very few click as well.
  4. I need to be able to print out, training profile, training records for the auditors who always sampling my employee name from the list and want to see what training they get. I have to do this very quickly so that my auditor will be so happy.
  5. I can track movement of the people in the organization and the compenecy they need to take other roles when they get promotion, transfer. I may need very little for those who get fired.
  6. My training and competency management system must be operated easily.
  7. It have to be expandable anytime I need.
  8. Most important, it must be reasonable price and serve my need exactly. I must be able to generate reports, forms, in hard or soft copy in a way that my company is doing. I know this will cost me a little more but I hate to see some poeple make word processing on microsoft excell.
I know you need something similar. Let's have a look this software;

This form I can search for any employee and be able to tell what training he need and what he has been trained.
Training need for each employee can be identify automatically when I put him on the right group of occupation or task holders.

If you don't have a good software, to anwer simple question like "When this guy has been trained for Chain, Hoist and Lever operation?."  you may have to spend 1 full day to chase after your clerk to dig up huge folders in a dusty cabinet.

In fact, my software link Accident/Illness report, health medical check up, hearing programs, PPE management system, Leave and absentee management, etc. Again!! It's a few more click!!

I can tell, how many time this guy have first aid injury. I know what safety glasses have been issued to him. I know he is on my record for failing to wear PPE, I know his fit test result before issuing respirators,.  Hard copy can do the job for you but not by a few click!! I know what most safety manager need. I worked in this career for more than 21 years. Some of them is one man in a department!! No clerk, no secretary, no lap top !! poor man!! If this is a case, just forget what I have said!!. look for another job now!

It is not cost you company a fortune and it's reliable. Think about what I say. I am not selling product but I built it and use it every day.  I will tell you more, what this software can make your HSE Manager's life more easy.

Next time, I will show you how can make Critical Task/ Job Task Analysis becomes dynamic. Just like a Star War movie. A worker walk into a control room, he wipe his badge. The card reader say " Sorry!! You have not been trained for operating the XX-YYRT mixer.. please contact SHE Department right the way!! Bye Bye!!

It's real!!





IT for Safety management system

Emergency Pre-Planning